Why choose Careline Lifestyles
Careline Lifestyles was established by the current company chairman Dr Sharma with the service user at its heart.
In order to provide the very best of support to our service users we provide a range of services to meet their individual needs, we work with people who have a wide spectrum of support needs, ranging from short term support to regain their independence to intensive support enabling people with complex needs to enjoy a good quality of life.
We have developed a suite of care homes across the North East tailored to particular needs of service users and based in the heart of local communities.
We are committed to ensuring the very highest possible level of care and support to our service users and their families.
All our services are individualised, person centred and deliver valued outcomes, as we passionately believe that our role is to provide the care and support needed to help enable our service users realise their potential
All our support services aim to increase the confidence and independence of our service users.
Over the 35 years we have been operating, we have built up an excellent reputation for working in partnership to provide quality services and currently offer a diverse range of highly regarded services across the North East of England