Acquired Brain Injury

Brain injuries can throw entire families into disarray. The aftermath is an incredibly stressful period for those who have sustained them, as well as their loved ones. Many people affected are left needing round-the-clock support.

At Careline Lifestyles, we provide nurse led support and rehabilitation. In our 30 years as a care home operator, we’ve provided person-centred acquired brain injury care for many individuals with varying severities including traumatic brain injury support, after stroke care and degenerative disorders.

“Our care plans focus on neurorehabilitation activities to help relearn day to day tasks”

Our specialist acquired brain injury (ABI) service provides cost effective quality residential/nursing care and transition living for adults who have received an acquired brain injury through trauma or neuro-degenerative disorders.

The service meets the needs of individuals requiring enhanced supported living, nursing and re-ablement services in a post-acute setting.

Working closely with families and professionals regular assessments are undertaken for each person leading to the development of agreed and realistic goals for every individual. These targets are continually reviewed and form the basis of a “Person Centred” Care Plan which determines the level of support, specialist input and other resources the individual needs.

The majority of care plans have a focus on neuro rehabilitation activities to help relearn day to day tasks. Research has displayed that people who’ve had an early referral programme to neuro - rehabilitation in the acute stages of recovery experience significantly better emotional well-being, social integration and vocational functioning than those who receive rehabilitation services later in the recovery process

Through our brain injury service we can help people with daily living skills such as cleaning, laundry, budgeting, preparing meals, personal care, getting dressed.  We also ensure that people participate in social activities and interact with others.

Rehabilitation for people with an Acquired Brain Injury

Due to their nature, acquired brain injuries are very complex and can affect both the mental and physical abilities of the individual. Our experience supports research studies that have shown that delivery of rehabilitation for someone with an acquired brain injury is most effective when done by a co-ordinated multi-disciplinary team (MDT) of people from a range of different fields. 

We employ a multi-disciplinary team to support service users’ remaining functional ability to enhance the skills they have, and increase the skills that have been severely affected by the brain injury. We focus on what they can do (not on what they can’t) and aim to develop their abilities by setting realistic and achievable goals for each service user. 

Each service user receives a full assessment initially and then again at 12-month intervals, as well as ongoing standard assessments, to see how the therapeutic input is working.

Multi-disciplinary team 

The MDT comprises:

Psychiatrist – assesses how the individual is affected by their medication and treatment

Consultant Clinical Psychologist – develops a programme of treatment and goals, with regular assessments, helps the individual to deal with the psychological aspects of their condition, such as grief, loss and their mental health

Assistant Psychologist – supports the work of the Consultant Clinical Psychologist 

Behaviour Analyst  -  We employ our own Behaviour Analyst to assess any behaviours that challenge. A detailed Positive Behaviour Management Plan will be put together to help manage the behaviour in question so that the Service User can make progress down the agreed care pathway

Clinical Neuropsychologists –

Specialist nursing teams

Physiotherapist – specialist physiotherapy helps to improve mobility and strength

Speech & Language Therapist – helps to improve communication and conditions such as dysphasia

Therapy Assistants – are generic and deliver technical parts of the rehabilitation programme

Occupational Therapist – ensures the service user’s environment is safe and helps them to function more effectively within it

Ongoing support and treatment 

As well as looking after the service user’s general well-being and day to day needs, the care staff carry out the treatments recommended by the multi-disciplinary team. They also monitor and report on the service user’s condition. 

Motivation and orientation 

An acquired brain injury can cause severe memory loss so service users need to be orientated daily and prompted throughout the day so they continue with their activities. Our support staff understand that direction needs to be brief, clear, concise and consistent. All of our staff are trained in crisis prevention techniques so that we can avoid physical restraint, treating our service users with dignity and respect at all times.

Slow stream rehabilitation 

Some people may come to us several years after they have sustained a brain injury and have already had an acute period of rehabilitation. We are aware that some people may take longer to achieve their maximum potential but we work patiently and steadily with them to help them achieve their goals. We help individuals to maintain their existing abilities and to progress towards more independence, and acceptance, in a positive environment. 

“Every moment has infinite potential. Every new moment contains for you possibilities that you can't possibly imagine. Every day is a blank page that you could fill with the most beautiful drawings.”

– John C. Parkin